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url hyphens instead of underscores and html file extension

Author Message

kris james

Friday 02 December 2005 3:22:42 pm

I am trying to get my urls to look like the ones on http://www.oneworldmarket.org
1)The folder names with spaces have hyphens "-" and not underscores "_" example: "ez-publish" and not "ez_publish"
2)The url extensions end with ".html"

My system:
EZ 3.7.2
Virtual Hosting - with full ssh root access
php 4.3.11 with mod_rewrite available

I have aleady read the following related posts:

Sam Wong

Friday 02 December 2005 10:01:59 pm

Hi, I have been trying to do the same without much success.

I think trying the ".html" is easier to do than the other one. Tho, you must keep in mind it has to be limited to the 'public' area. I'm not too sure what will happen if the admin area pages all have the ".html" in the links too.

I have been looking for ways to edit "ezurl". So, this should give you a start.

kris james

Sunday 04 December 2005 6:58:59 am

Thanks Sam, I am only trying to let this work for the public urls.
Any help from others who may have successfully done this before would be greatly appreciated.

steve walker

Sunday 04 December 2005 8:59:19 am

Hi Kris,

Responding after receiving your email.

FYI, we used Mambo for our own website - we tend to build with either Mambo or Ez, and we use Ez for situations where we need programming muscle which wasnt necessary on our own site.

Consequently, the way we got our urls to be in the format /some-page-name.html is using a compenent called 404sef.

I'll be interested to see the answer about changing Ez urls too, sorry I cant be of more assistance.

Regards, Steve.
