Forums / Install & configuration / Upgrading to 4.3 - can not login to admin

Upgrading to 4.3 - can not login to admin

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Anaya P

Thursday 09 September 2010 8:25:40 am

Hi Guys,

I have followed below link and mentioned steps to upgrade ez publish site to 4.3 version -

Everything woks fine in the frontend. I can see the data, templates.

But not able to login to the admin. I have checked ezuser table and it has my account details in it. So really do not have any idea why I am not able to login to the admin?

This is my first project, really do not know ez publish in detail. So will appreciate your advice!



Greg McAvoy-Jensen

Thursday 09 September 2010 1:13:32 pm


Check your var directory permissions; can Apache write to it? You might even temporarily set them to 777 just for a test. Good luck!

Granite Horizon, Certified Developer of eZ Publish Web Solutions
Provider of the SaaS Solution Granite Horizon In The Cloud | | +1 916 647 6350 | California USA | @granitegreg

Christian Rößler

Friday 10 September 2010 12:47:32 am


the link you provided covers the update from 4.0.1 to 4.2 and not to 4.3.
If you really use 4.3 perhaps you have missed important update-procedures and scripts not mentioned there?


Hannover, Germany

Steven E. Bailey

Friday 10 September 2010 1:48:13 am

Are there any users that can log in?

Are the ezuser database entries for the old and the new databases exactly the same? Especially the password_hash and password_hash_type entries.

Did any settings change? Especially [UserSettings]->HashType. Or, if the hash type is md5_site (type 3 in the database), did your [UserSettings]->SiteName change?

Finally, did you add any extensions that may have had stealth settings changes?

Or, if the ezmbpaex extension was newly installed, try disabling it and try to login again (actually you can try that for all extensions).

Certified eZPublish developer

Available for ezpublish troubleshooting, hosting and custom extension development:

Anaya P

Friday 10 September 2010 7:31:18 am

Thanks Guys for your advice.

Earlier I copied 4.3 files over the old ez publish installation. And this time copied 4.3 files into a sepearte folder. Then moved the files/folders from old version. And it worked! I can login to the admin.

Chris, first of all thanks for the instructions. I have added 4.3 database upgrade statements in your sql statement list and then updated the old database. Though earlier also did the same thing to upgrade the database, but this time used clean 4.3 files.

So with your instructions and adding sql statements, I have managed to upgrade directly from 4.0.1 to 4.3.0

Thanks once again for your help guys!!!!