Friday 05 June 2009 5:29:42 am
I have, to my surprise, managed to upgrade from 401 to 403. The database controll shows no errors, but fileconsistency shows:
Warning: it is not safe to upgrade without checking the modifications done to the following files: autoload/ezp_extension.php
Everything looks fine as far as I can see. When I continue my expedition into the holy land of 4.1 I get a mysql error when I paste and run the db upgrade commands from the mysql/4.1/dbupdate-4.0.0-to-4.1.0.sql
-- START: from 4.0.1
ALTER TABLE ezcontent_language ADD INDEX ezcontent_language_name( name ) ;
MySQL sa: #1061 - Duplicate key name 'ezcontent_language_name'
I guess the upgrad procedure I use above is the correct one as there is no 4.03 to 4.12 .sql file. Is there some sql files in 4.04 and 4.05 I have tu run? is 403 to 412 to the right path anyway?
Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway