Forums / Install & configuration / Upgrading 3.5.1 -> 3.6.0, upgrade script issues...

Upgrading 3.5.1 -> 3.6.0, upgrade script issues...

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Uchendu Nwachukwu

Saturday 30 July 2005 5:55:28 pm

I installed eZ Publish 3.5.1 on my hosting provider's platform.

I'm trying to migrate to eZ Publish 3.6.0 (I like the new template language and it appears that all the docs going forward will be geared towards 3.6.0 so I want to be ready.)

I have the distribution unpacked and in its own folder, and I've replicated the database and the relevant custom folders on the new install.

Now all that remains is to run the migration scripts. Unfortunately, therein lies my problem. My hosting provider does not provide shell access, so I've had to install PhpShell 2.0 to perform the shell commands. Unfortunately, every time I execute convertxmllinks.php, I get this:

PHP Warning:  Zend Optimizer for PHP 4.4.x cannot be found (expected at '/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-2.5.7/php-4.4.x/') - try reinstalling the Zend Optimizer in Unknown on line 0
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.0

Please run this script from the root document directory!

Does anyone know how I can go about fixing this? Is there a way to run these scripts from a web browser directly?

Tim Dickinson

Sunday 31 July 2005 3:08:16 am

Well I've never used phpshell but with standard ssh, before executing the script you first need to be in the root directory of your site. So that would mean typing (on a standard shared hosting linux box):

cd /home/youraccount/public_html

The above is if your ezpublish installation is located in your main directroy, just modify it to be yohur subdirectory if you installed in there instead.

Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music

Uchendu Nwachukwu

Monday 01 August 2005 6:55:28 am

My ezp install is located in the htdocs/v3/ directory, so that's where I run it from.

Luc Chase

Monday 01 August 2005 10:52:04 am

PHP 4.4 with EZP 3.6 ??

The Web Application Service Provider

Uchendu Nwachukwu

Monday 08 August 2005 5:35:58 pm

Is there a problem with that combination?

Paul Borgermans

Tuesday 09 August 2005 1:35:52 am





eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Uchendu Nwachukwu

Tuesday 09 August 2005 3:23:01 pm

Oh, I see. I guess I'll stick with 3.5.1 for the time being then.

Uchendu Nwachukwu

Tuesday 25 October 2005 12:55:04 pm

So now ezP 3.7.0 is out and it works with PHP 4.4.0. I'm trying to do this upgrade, but I'm running into the same problem.

Is there anyway to run these scripts from a web browser? My hpst will not allow them to be run from the command line.

Thanks in advance.