Forums / Install & configuration / Upgrade to 4.3 : how to specify the DB in updatenodeassignment.php ?

Upgrade to 4.3 : how to specify the DB in updatenodeassignment.php ?

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Hakim Bouras

Saturday 03 April 2010 9:09:54 am


The Upgrading instructions 4.2x to 4.3.x say :

Step 5: Running the system upgrade scripts
Run the following command from the root of your eZ Publish directory:
php update/common/scripts/4.3/updatenodeassignment.php

In a multisite config, how one can specify on which db (siteaccess) the script is supposed to run ?


Hakim Bouras
PRISMALOG - Creation de site Internet

Hakim Bouras

Sunday 04 April 2010 12:08:02 am

After digging some more, the answer is to use one site access for each DB that needs to be updated :

php update/common/scripts/4.3/updatenodeassignment.php -s <SITE-NAME>

All the scripts built using eZScript and eZCLI are natively able to receive many parameters (see eZScript::getOptions )

One more info for people using multi-site config with database settings stored in extensions, you may update the script line 141 and change :

'use-extensions' => true

Hope it helps,


Nicolas Pastorino

Tuesday 06 April 2010 2:14:56 am


One more info for people using multi-site config with database settings stored in extensions, you may update the script line 141 and change :

'use-extensions' => true


Hi Hakim,

Thanks for sharing the solution, very useful. I can see there is a bug in the updatenodeassignment.php script, would you mind reporting it in the issue tracker ? (or, if a similar issue already exists, simply comment on it).

Thanks in advance !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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