Forums / Install & configuration / Upgrade problem: 3.6.7 -> 4.4.0

Upgrade problem: 3.6.7 -> 4.4.0

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Kristoffer Brabrand

Friday 25 March 2011 7:34:07 am

I'm the process of upgrading a site from 3.6.7. to 4.4.0, and I'm having trouble with templates not beeing applied properly after the upgrade.

The design files for the site is located in design/plain/override/templates and design/plain/templates. Some overrides has been specified, but it seems that a lot of the files has simply been put in the override/templates folder – which I assume is a way of applying templates that worked in older versions of eZ.

Is there anyone out here that knows a way to make my 150+ override templates work without having to dig thorugh them manually?

Any solution is very much appreciated – thanks in advance!

Alessandro Dellanna

Monday 28 March 2011 1:53:55 pm

Hi Kristoffer, I've upgraded my ez from 4.0 to 4.3 with the same problems you mentions. I have solved this issue creating from the backend the override and looking where the system are about creating the files then I have copied my template file in this folder and all was ok....

good luck