Tuesday 15 May 2007 3:21:59 am
I'm trying to upgrade EZwebin from 1.1 to 1.2, but it isn't possible.
When I run the upgrade script as follows (in Windows with ..\php\cli\php.exe): php.exe ezwebinupgrade.php (without options) In the command window appears:
C:\servidor\web\prueba>c:\servidor\php\cli\php.exe ezwebinupgrade.php
Notice: No siteaccess provided, will use default siteaccess
Warning: Processing in auto-mode:
- packages will be downloaded to '/tmp/ezwebin';
- packages will be imported to 'var/storage/packages/ez_systems';
- installing of existing classes will be skipped;
- all files(extesion, design, downloaded and imported packages) will be overwrit ten; If click 'Enter', appears Done, and the script finishes. But, ezwebin is 1.1 and not 1.2.
Anyone can help me? Thank you very much, and sorry for my english (I'm spanish).