Forums / Install & configuration / Upgrade 3.10.1 -> 4.0.6: content in XML blocks is not shown

Upgrade 3.10.1 -> 4.0.6: content in XML blocks is not shown

Author Message

Martin Burger

Saturday 08 August 2009 3:44:09 am


I am upgrading our eZ Publish instances from 3.10.1 to 4.0.6. Unfortunately, the conversion from iso-8859-1 to utf-8 seems to fail sometimes.

I used ezconvertdbcharset.php from trunk, because otherwise it fails with "Call to a member function setNameByLanguageLocale() on a non-object" (

For some sites, content in "admin" and "user" site access / front-end is shown as expected.

However, for one of our sites, content in XML blocks is not shown; neither in "admin", nor in "user". For another site, content is shown in "user", but not in "admin".

I compared settings in one of the working sites with the settings in the half-working (content shown in "user" only) one. I cannot find any difference that is related to this issue. For example, Charset is set to utf-8 in settings/override/i18n.ini.append.php and in settings/siteaccess/customer_(user|admin)/site.ini.append.php.

What could be the cause for this issue?



Database: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch10-log
PHP: 5.2.0-8+etch15

Martin Burger

Saturday 08 August 2009 3:53:19 am

Argh, I don't know why, but the "preview" tab was deactivated after the upgrade.

Martin Burger

Saturday 08 August 2009 9:49:28 am

After restoring a complete backup (disk and db) and repeating the whole upgrade process, the site that hadn't worked before at all (no content at user and admin part) works now as well.

Before doing the conversion by calling ezconvertdbcharset.php, I cleared and purged the cache. Maybe this was related to the issue.