Tuesday 14 September 2010 5:45:52 am
I pulled the latest version from stable-4.3 branch in order to update a 4.3.0 eZPublish and reviewing the changes made I encountered some things I want to mention here and requesting feedback from the community.
Info: I pulled today, because for a few days no patches were introduced in the stable-4.3 branch so i assume eZPublish 4.3.1 is out ... somehow ... ;-)
. . First there are missing sql-statements for adding a few new keys to table "ezinfocollection_attribute" introduced in 4.3.1. The file "update/database/mysql/4.3/dbupdate-4.3.0-to-4.3.1.sql" misses the following statements:
ALTER TABLE ezinfocollection_attribute ADD KEY ezinfocollection_attr_cca_id (contentclass_attribute_id);
ALTER TABLE ezinfocollection_attribute ADD KEY ezinfocollection_attr_coa_id (contentobject_attribute_id);
ALTER TABLE ezinfocollection_attribute ADD KEY ezinfocollection_attr_ic_id (informationcollection_id); See "kernel/sql/mysql/kernel_schema.sql" in the git-stable-4.3 version as reference, line 714 and following.
. . Second nearly every php-file has been changed when diff'ing to a plain downloaded 4.3.0 eZPublish from ez.no. The downloaded official Release has a disclaimer comment in each php-head stating the version as "@version 4.3.0". The (not all, thats weird) files from git stable-4.3 are stating "@version 4.1.x" or "@version //autogen//". It would be much more straight forward if upcoming new community-releases or non-official releases would state "@version 4.3.x" or "@version 4.4.x" in order to maintain a clean merge-process for only a few files that really introduced modifications that matter. I see that has been done in git-master already. But stable-4.3 at the time is a pain to merge ;)
. . edit/update: Found something new. a Lot of ini-files in /settings/* were modified. Example:
#!TemporaryPermissions=0777 How can I/we deal with that? What should be the best way to merge such stuff into an existing ez-installation which has official release quality? Why has such code been commited to git?
. .
Thats it. Just awaiting feedback before slamming the issuetracker. A note aside: Not publishing any bugfix-releases anymore seems not to be real technical issue as using basic git-commands enables you to get the latest fixes for your ez-version. Followed by a merge and you are done.
cheers, chris
Hannover, Germany
eZ-Certified http://auth.ez.no/certification/verify/395613