Forums / Install & configuration / Unable to view site - login requested.

Unable to view site - login requested.

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Gary Kenny

Tuesday 07 January 2003 11:36:05 pm


I apologise if this seems like a silly question to ask. I have been playing about with ezPublish 2 for some time and I have not had any problems installing or using the application.

However, I have recently installed the EzPublish 3 RC and I have been unable to view the demo site. I have followed the instructions exactly.

When I go to view the site, I am always prompted to enter a user name and password (for the admin interface).

Is there a value I need to change in one of the initialisation files? Please can someone give me a sample url that I can type in to my browser to view pages from the demo site.

I am NOT using Virtualhost.

Many thanks,

Gary Kenny.

Gary Kenny

Wednesday 08 January 2003 1:48:38 am

Roland - you are a star!

That was the answer I was looking for! I was unable to find the documentation in the online manuals.

I wish I had posted sooner! Thanks a heap!

Gary Kenny

Wednesday 08 January 2003 2:22:05 pm


Your assistance has been priceless. It has allowed me to get passed a major stumbling block in learning to use this application.

I can now enter the url for my site and the homepage of my site is displayed.

Now if only I could find out if there is a bulkmail facility...

Thanks again!

Gary Kenny

Thursday 16 January 2003 11:51:49 am

> As do I with ezPublish 3 WinXP. Setup went without a hitch

Did you try typing the url http://localhost/<your ezpublish directory>/index.php/user (note the addition of 'user' at the end of the url. By default the installation brings up the admin window. This can be changed in the site.ini file.