Forums / Install & configuration / Unable to properly enter content (3.9.3)

Unable to properly enter content (3.9.3)

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Toby Bowers

Tuesday 02 October 2007 1:00:54 am

I've just installed EZ Publish 3.9.3 for the first time. All seemed to be going well till i started to try and configure a site. The problem i've found is that although i can add articles and folders etc with out an error I am unable to add any real content to them. By this i mean that there is no ability to enter data for fields like Summary, Description, Body, Column content etc. The Text entry boxes are not displayed (With no error reported).

Anyone have any idea what might be causing this?

Toby Bowers

Tuesday 02 October 2007 1:18:28 am

It looks like it's the same as this fault

Any ideas of the files that will need to be replaced or would it be best doing a clean upload and install?

Toby Bowers

Tuesday 02 October 2007 3:40:30 am

Fixed the issue.

Extracted the ezdhtml directory (ezpublish-3.9.3/extension/ezdhtml) using reliable method and re-uploaded.

Remember to clear the cache to complete the fix.