Forums / Install & configuration / Trouble with templates

Trouble with templates

Author Message

Simon Gareste

Tuesday 10 May 2011 5:37:19 am


I just migrated from 4.1.3 to 4.2011 Community edition. I've had some trouble like the rewriterule issue (where you need to add |lib to the extension rewriterule), but I fixed them, up to now.

My templates won't show anymore on the ezwebin_site_admin part. They are printed, but not interpretated, as can be seen here :

I deleted the cache, both with ezcache and manually, nothing. I changed something, because I've had the website set correctly for a while, but I don't know what and how to repair it, so if you have any idea..

Simon Gareste

Tuesday 10 May 2011 6:31:16 am

Answering myself, in case someone gets in the same trouble :

comes from site.ini.append.php and admin2 : removing the line AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=admin2, clearing all cache, and putting it back seems to do the job. don't understand why, though.