Forums / Install & configuration / Transfer a ezpublish installation from on server to another

Transfer a ezpublish installation from on server to another

Author Message

Peter Lipczak

Friday 13 May 2005 12:05:34 am

I am planning to transfer my ez publish installation (3.4.2) to a new server with another static IP-address. Both servers run Suse Linux 9.

Has anyone done this with success?

I tried copying the complete ex structure, importing the my sql database, checking permissions and deleting cache files.
The result is that the size is up with a very slow reponse-time an i'm unable to access the admin interface.
When examining the apache2 error_log file i see: /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork: symbol lookup0 error: /usr/lib/php/extensions/ undefined symbol: gdFontCacheShutdown.

PHP is: Version

xml, tokenizer, standard, posix, pcre, overload, openssl, apache2handler, zlib, yp, xslt, wddx, odbc, sysvshm, sysvsem, swf, sockets, snmp, shmop, session, readline, qtdom, pgsql, mysql, mhash, mcrypt, mcal, mbstring, ldap, imap, iconv, gmp, gettext, gd, ftp, filepro, exif, domxml, dbase, dba, curl, ctype, calendar, bz2, bcmath, mime_magic

Safe mode is off.
Basedir restriction is off.
Global variable registration is off.
File uploading is enabled.
Maximum size of post data (text and files) is 20M.
Script memory limit is 30M.
Maximum execution time is 30 seconds.



Frederik Holljen

Friday 13 May 2005 1:56:02 am

Looks like there is something wrong with your installation of ImageGD (apache can't link with it). I tried to search for the error message in google but didn't find anything. Sorry.
You can try with ImageMagick though, it is better anyway.

stefan livens

Wednesday 09 November 2005 4:10:37 am


I'm in the middle of building an eZ website on my machine. I'm building it while waiting for the (dedicated) hosting-machine.
Is it possible to transfer this complete site (pages/templates/images/content/dB) to the other machine? Do I have to take care of some things before transfering?
any help appreciated!


Ice T

Sunday 29 January 2006 4:45:57 am

I had the same problem:
In Apache-Log:
symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/php/extensions/ undefined symbol: gdFontCacheShutdown

It occured after rebuilding of the gd library.

You have to install freetype, freetype2, freetype-devel (I'm not sure, if _all_ these packages are necessary), then rebuild gd: