Forums / Install & configuration / total server package - will it work?

total server package - will it work?

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Halvor M

Sunday 18 December 2005 5:41:00 am

I am about to upgrade from 3.5 to 3.7.
At the same time I am moving my site to another server, with a fresh winxp install.

Instead of going through the hassle of installing all the serverside component programs (php,mysql, apache etc.) I am seriously considering using a precompiled total web server suite. Will any of these work with EZ 3.7 ?

I was thinking of using this one: Anyone have any experience with this or similar packages?

edit: while waiting for replies, I searched some more - and found XAMPP, which also looks very promising.

edit2: bah! tried working with XAMPP for a while, but it proved very hard to alter anything in the predetermined Document Folder. The whole thing seemed very unstable.

Gabriel Ambuehl

Sunday 18 December 2005 12:00:35 pm

Is there any reason why you absolutely MUST use XP? Ezpublish really prefers a Unix environment. (PHP performance on Win is lousy and Apache is very unstable as well). And XP isn't what I'd call a useable server OS (even after I discount my general dislike for it)


Halvor M

Sunday 18 December 2005 3:51:13 pm

I have had linux servers before, but I am simply to used to win interface...

Have been running a stable ez site on a xp server for a year now, but it is now time for upgrading and changing some stuff...

BTW, I am now testing WAMPserver, which seems very promising ;-)

Halvor M

Tuesday 20 December 2005 4:04:40 pm


I can't believe no one posted some info about the installer package - which seems to include all the stuff I was looking for in third party packages...

Kind of annoying having spent many many hours on this, and not one post here about the readymade installer package?

Well, now that I found it (yes, I know I should have seen it earlier - but I did not now it existed) I would like to know more about what is packaged in it....

Craig Hirsch

Tuesday 20 December 2005 4:39:51 pm

I'll take this opportunity to plug the completely free AppServ distribution of PHP, Apache and mySQL for Windows. I have used this package to host eZ implementations for years.

It's one of the most popular projects on Sourceforge, if that's any indication of its popularity.
