
Author Message

Daniel Jüdel

Tuesday 08 December 2009 4:04:33 am

I have some questions to timing. In different installations are different timing differences. Most requests are fast. But some requests have a big difference.

An example:

Module start 'content' 0.0000 sec 0.6597 sec
Module end 'content' 0.6597 sec 0.0543 sec
End 0.7141 sec
Total runtime: 2.6716 sec
Total script time: 8.1084 sec

I read the article http://share.ez.no/articles/ez-publish/ez-publish-performance-optimization-part-2-of-3-identifying-trouble-spots-by-debugging. Some important things was written. But I have the following questions:

  1. The difference between "End" and "Total runtime": Is it always a slow connection? Or can be another cause for this difference?
  2. What can be the cause for the difference between "Total runtime" and "Total script time". All other timing points are small (0,0.. seconds). In the example above only "Template processing" (0,6689 seconds) and "Mysql_queries" (0,4184) have not a small time.
  3. In another example the difference between "Module end 'content' " and "End" is sometimes around 0,6 seconds. What can be this cause? In this case a debug-accumulator from first line in pagelayout to the end was 0,13 seconds.

This are examples from different tests. Mostly I have a fast answer with approximately 0,1 seconds. But sometimes I have a slow answer. I don't know why sometimes the timings so different. I hope with your help I can solve the problem.