Forums / Install & configuration / Timeout in ezxml.php in new install

Timeout in ezxml.php in new install

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Espen Aase Johnsen

Saturday 11 October 2003 1:42:13 am

I just created a fresh install with ez on mysql and i get the folowing error when accessing my site (

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/www/ on line 271
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

mathias *

Monday 08 December 2003 3:35:51 am


I have the same problem.
I need some help !!!
I am using RedHat 9.0, apache 2.0.4 and 4.2.2 PHP.

Claus Jensen

Monday 08 December 2003 3:59:15 am

Try to pump up the execution time limit in /etc/php.ini to 120 seconds or something. If you are using translation its very slow and needs a lot of time.


mathias *

Monday 08 December 2003 5:07:20 am

thank you !
It is working, with 200 seconds now