Forums / Install & configuration / The problem to install en localhost. Please help!

The problem to install en localhost. Please help!

Author Message

Zippellino Zippellino

Saturday 24 February 2007 5:38:58 pm

Please help! I download eZpublish windows installer v 3.9.0 and package ( 3.9.0). Has started, has passed process of installation up to moment-' site registration ',-next, - and here that it " The setup wizard was not able to complete the creation of your selected sites.

The following errors were detected:
Failed inserting data to mysql
Table ' ezapprove_items' already exists
Failed to initialize site package ' ezwebin_site '

If you think you have fixed the errors you can try and click the "Retry" button "

And there is some information:"
Site info:

Site package - ezwebin_site
Title - eZpublish-Commerce
URL - http://localhost/ezwebin_site
Admin URL - http://localhost/ezwebin_site_admin
Access type - url
Access value - ezwebin_site
Webserver info:
Version - Apache/1.3.33 (Win32) PHP/4.4.4

PHP info:
Version - 4.4.4

OS info
Name - Windows NT

Database info:
Type - MySQL
Driver - ezmysql

Email info:
Transport - SMTP

Image conversion:
ImageMagick was found and used.
Path - C:\WINDOWS\ImageMagick
Executable - convertim.exe

Critical tests

directory_permissions - Success
phpversion - Success
database_extensions - Success
image_conversion - Success
open_basedir - Success
safe_mode - Success
memory_limit - Success
execution_time - Success
magic_quotes_runtime - Success
allow_url_fopen - Success
accept_path_info - Success
php_session - Success
file_upload - Success

Other tests:

php_magicquotes - Failure
zlib_extension - Success
mbstring_extension - Success
imagegd_extension - Failure
imagemagick_program - Success
database_all_extensions - Failure
php_register_globals - Success
texttoimage_functions - Failure

This all was done with a fitter.
Tell, in what here a problem, and whether you can help to solve it?

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 28 February 2007 10:28:35 pm


For some reason your setup wizard failed. Check error.log in var/log folder or enable debug output in settings/site.ini .

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