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SVN Help for Non-Developer

Author Message

Valerie Lynn

Wednesday 25 August 2004 9:34:03 am

Good afternoon!

I downloaded TortoiseSVN and (successfully) installed and created a Repository for EZPublish by checking out a stable 3.4 to a sub-directory named EZPublishStable (I'm so creative).

Then, I exported that set of files to another sub-directory called EZPublishBalamara for upload to my Host to which I only have FTP access. I did this so I would not have the svn files taking up space (and time) on my Host.

My first question is, why am I asked for a Usernaem and Password when I try to import the stable version using the
? Am I not supposed to import the files?

I was able to checkout the files, which was th eonly way I received them.

My next question is, of all of those subdirectories and files, which should I upload to my site to create a functional EZPublish site. For example, is the /benchmark or
/unreleased directories necessary to upload?

Thank You!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Is it dinnertime yet?

Tony Wood

Thursday 26 August 2004 3:08:56 am

Hi Val,

I normally remove

- scrap
- tests-
- unreleased
- benchmarks
- packages (as long as you are not using eZ setup styling)

Here are the sizes so you can see. (from svn trunk)
16K access.php
580K benchmarks
11M bin
292K cronjobs
42M design
3.6M doc
36K ezpm.php
4.0K ezpublish.cron
32K index.php
24M kernel
13M lib
36M packages
8.0K pre_check.php
4.0K README.txt
12K runcronjobs.php
9.8M scrap
1.7M settings
23M share
472K support
6.7M tests
60K unreleased
3.6M update
464K var
8.0K webdav.php

Tony Wood :
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Paul Borgermans

Thursday 26 August 2004 3:29:38 am

Hi Valerie

About "import" in turtoise svn: this is used to actually add to the repository, which of course is reserved to the ez crew. You do not need a password for checkout (create a local copy of the svn server, including history) or export a certain revision (no history)



eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training


Thursday 26 August 2004 4:43:41 am

- packages (as long as you are not using eZ setup styling)

some default classes are in packages/addons they are not delivered with the clean_data.sql

So I would not remove packages...

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