Forums / Install & configuration / strange string in ezPub root URL (favicon_ico)

strange string in ezPub root URL (favicon_ico)

Author Message

Shaun Ellis

Tuesday 16 September 2003 2:46:25 pm

Oops... I posted this by accident in the ezPub 2.2 forum. Sorry for any inconvenience... anyway...

Everything seems to work great on the admin site, however I am noticing something strange about the URL on the user site. When I go to the root url ( the "eZ publish - plain design" page displays and there is a menu on the left of the screen with links to each of the demo sections (White Box, News, Crossroads Forum, etc.). These same links appear in a subfolder list below the HTML buttons (Preview, Remove, etc.).

However, the URL's are different... the links on the left go to and give me a "module not found" error. The links in the subfolder list go to and they work. So I clicked on the White Box subfolder link and I get a page that has the same menu on the left side of the screen. However, this time when I click on White Box in the menu the URL is and I get the same "module not found" error.

So my questions are:
1. Why is the "favicon_ico" in my ezPub root URL and how did it get there? I'm not using any favicons!
2. Why does it work, when the admin site works fine without it?
3. How do I fix it? I searched for that string in the apache and ezPublish config/settings files without luck.

Thanks for any help!