Forums / Install & configuration / Strange Problem... it just sits there

Strange Problem... it just sits there

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Tray Broda

Wednesday 16 April 2003 9:20:44 am

So I installed EZPublish without errors. I go to the base URL and I get the admin... I log on.... and I get the site map/root folder. And this is all it does. No matter what I click (content/shop/users/set up/personal) or trying to create folder, etc... it just "realoads" this same page... and I get no ability to add any new info.... I can't even log out - every single button just reloads the initial admin screen (after one has logged on)

am I missing something? It installed but now I can't DO anything....

A little info: system is apache/mysql and installed manually... as I said - install appeared smooth and I got no errors when setting it up.

My index.php appears to be an admin menu - really strange stuff here


Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 16 April 2003 12:17:51 pm

Seems like you have the same problem as this.



Tray Broda

Wednesday 16 April 2003 1:48:15 pm

Yepp.. that's the problem!

This error's proclivity to express itself, based on other threads, is rather concerning. I hope that a fix is found soon!

Karsten Jennissen

Thursday 17 April 2003 5:30:21 am

Try setting the php memory limit to 16MB in /etc/php.ini, if you have it at 8MB. I know that this has nothing to do with the errors you receive at first sight, but if you can, you should try.


Tray Broda

Thursday 17 April 2003 2:11:12 pm


Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, I had already done that in the off chance it might have fixed the problem. No luck :(


Ethan Schoonover

Tuesday 22 April 2003 8:43:18 pm

This appears to potentially be related to PHP.CGI problems. I have started another thread on this subject as well: