Forums / Install & configuration / Strange behavior with Search Operator in eZ 3.3-5

Strange behavior with Search Operator in eZ 3.3-5

Author Message

Leandro Alves

Wednesday 07 July 2004 4:51:15 am


I am having several problems with the search operator, it does't work fine!!! :(

<b>One of its:</b>
I created a new class called "Member" with the attributes Full Name(Text line), Occupation(Text line) and Picture (image) and set the roles... after I created the following members:

- Eder Silva Trevisoli
- Janaina A Padoveze
- Leandro D Alves

In my template, I have this code to search:

<div id="searchbox">
<form action={"/content/search/"|ezurl} method="get">
<input class="searchtext" type="text" size="10" name="SearchText" id="Search" value="" />
<input class="searchbutton" name="SearchButton" type="submit" value="Search" />

I haven't created a override template for search.tpl yet, I'm using the standard template.


1. If I search for "Leandro" <b>or</b> "D" <b>or</b> "Alves", this return the message:
<b>Search for "One of above" returned 1 matches"</b>

2. If I search for "Eder" <b>or</b> "Silva" it <b>doesn't work</b>:
<b>No results were found when searching for "One of above"</b>

<b>But</b> If I search for "Trevisoli" it <b>work</b>:
<b>Search for "One of above" returned 1 matches"</b>

3. And with "Janaina" it doesn't work too, but with "Padoveze" it work!

<b>What Can I do to resolve my problem?</b>
<b>Is there anything to do in my Database, in my eZ???</b>

My database is with a lot of things (articles, folders, images, files) almost 60MB
I performed the runcronjobs.php script but nothing happened!!! :(

Thanks a lot!