Forums / Install & configuration / SQL error : duplicate entry

SQL error : duplicate entry

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Jean-Marc Fontaine

Monday 10 March 2008 7:35:43 am

I installed eZ Publish 4 and I created some folders and articles.

When I try save one of the folders after editing it, an error occur :

Error: eZMySQLiDB Mar 10 2008 15:24:29

Query error: Duplicate entry '38-1449fa4b0d185fbb324f27d716f04d18' for key 1. Query: UPDATE ezurlalias_ml SET parent = 38
WHERE parent = 36

The other nodes can be edited.

Could someone give me a clue about this ?

Jean-Marc Fontaine

Wednesday 19 March 2008 6:25:27 am

This is actually a bug so I filled a bug report :