Monday 28 April 2003 11:45:48 am
It's an intel server box with 800 mHz P4, 128 MB RAM. All it is running is apache, php and mysql. The installed apache and php versions meet the recommended versions based on the documentation. I am testing out a few other CMS systems and eZ publish is on the top of the list, but the speed and memory (~20% per request) & cpu (~30-40% per request) consumption is a major drawback. If you are getting such good page delivery times, then perhaps you configured something I haven't. I'd be interested to find out what your php and eZ publish configurations are. Do you have a php accelerator installed? I would like to push forward with eZ publish and it was one of my top 3 CMS choices two years ago when I looked before. At that time it was just too complicated for end-users (the content development team) to use. Now, it's had a major upgrade and is the perfect solution as far as usability and feature set goes. However, with a single request consuming so much CPU and memory these factors will be the deciding factor against eZ publish this time around if I can't bypass or resolve it. Obviously others may be running faster systems, but considering the low load on this server otherwise I feel that I should be able to configure it so that it the site can move quickly. I have five other CMS systems installed and none of them have slow page-delivery or are as much of a load on the server memory and CPU as eZ publish. Again, I really want to see if I can get around these issues so if anyone has suggestions let me know. Is there a caching function where eZ publish will cache the site once you are done making changes? It seems like a big onnous of responsibility on the end-user to generate the cache for you when they are requesting the pages on the site. Most of them will likely leave before they even get the info they want based on the page-delivery times I have seen.