Tuesday 21 November 2006 11:17:45 am
<b>"is it possible to connect to an LDAP/Active Directory without specific development?"</b> Yes, there's a built-in system to authenticate users via an LDAP store, and it's configurable enough to work with the Active Directory schema. No coding, but it may take a cup of coffee and an aspirin (as with all things LDAP). <b>management of documents: can we use validity dates in standard?</b> Not sure what you mean here, but it's pretty easy to configure the system to add 'effective on' and 'expires on' dates to your content items, and then filter those out of the site if they're out of range. <b>we need a full text search engine: does ez publish provide one? If not: which one would be your choice?</b> The built-in search will meet 90% of everyone's needs. Otherwise, Google Coop or Yahoo's similar offering work well. <b>we need a statistics-tool: does ez publish provide one? If not: which one would be your choice?</b> The aforementioned Google Analytics works well. Also, awstats is a decent server-side option. <b>blog & RSS: standard or development needed?</b> If you tell the setup wizard you're building a blog, you'll have a functioning blog right out of the box. The RSS Export features allow you to create feeds from anything on the site. Also, you can import any RSS feed from anywhere else and turn it in to content in eZ Publish. That last one isn't really a 'blog' feature most of the time, but it's a great tool and just goes to show how well eZ Publish supports RSS.