Forums / Install & configuration / sorting the root-node.

sorting the root-node.

Author Message

Jesper Haggren

Monday 19 July 2004 1:30:00 pm


it is possible to change the sort-order of all new folder-objects. But how do you change the sort-order of the root-folder??

I need to sort my menuitems by fixed-placement and NOT by date as it is by default!


Roy Bøhmer

Tuesday 20 July 2004 12:16:57 am

To change the sort-order of the root-folder you edit the root-folder and choose the desired order-method in the dropdown-list. To sort by fixed placement i think you have to choose 'By order'. When you've re-published the folder the items in the folder will be provided with a textbox in the list where you can type in the order manually.
