Forums / Install & configuration / Sorry if this is a duplicate

Sorry if this is a duplicate

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Mark Woodward

Friday 28 March 2003 12:51:31 pm

I tried posting a message just a moment or so ago, but don't see it listed, let me try again.

I just downloaded the Windows installer, and ran it on my win98 machine. It installed everything smoothly, and gave me an installation successful message.

Then I clicked the Start eZput shortcut, a dos box opened, and msql and apache were started.

I then clicked the eZpublish shortcut, but instead of a start page, I got the following error: Sorry, but I am lost and hope that someone can help me get started.


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in c:\\program files\\ez systems\\ezpublish\\lib\\eztemplate\\classes\\eztemplatemultipassparser.php on line 46

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in c:\\program files\\ez systems\\ezpublish\\lib\\ezutils\\classes\\ezexecution.php on line 157

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in c:\\program files\\ez systems\\ezpublish\\lib\\ezutils\\classes\\ezsession.php on line 73

Warning: Unknown(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time. in Unknown on line 0

Darius Loktevic

Saturday 29 March 2003 2:54:34 am

in %WINDOWS% (c:\\windows) edit the php.ini file

Add or change to
max_execution_time = 60
memory_limit = 10M

Works for me.

Mark Woodward

Saturday 29 March 2003 5:24:35 am

Thanks for the suggestion, I did as you indicated...but still get the following error.


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in c:\\program files\\ez systems\\ezpublish\\lib\\ezdb\\classes\\ezmysqldb.php on line 212

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in c:\\program files\\ez systems\\ezpublish\\lib\\ezutils\\classes\\ezexecution.php on line 157

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in c:\\program files\\ez systems\\ezpublish\\lib\\ezutils\\classes\\ezsession.php on line 73

Warning: Unknown(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time. in Unknown on line 0

Darius Loktevic

Sunday 30 March 2003 6:49:53 am

Try setting higher values.
Looks like your proc. is very slow ;)

Mark Woodward

Wednesday 02 April 2003 11:38:02 am

I will try to set it longer...but have discovered something else. If I just try going to localhost/ there is no default apache page that says enter your content here...could my installation path (or docroot) be off?


Darius Loktevic

Thursday 03 April 2003 11:08:10 pm

Thats because in apache config file isnt set that index.php is an index file. This could be easily changed. And its not a problem.