Forums / Install & configuration / Slow 3.4.0 RH9 mysql 3.23.58-1.9 Apache 1.3.31 PHP 4.3.7
Mazin Mustafa
Tuesday 15 June 2004 10:05:56 am
I have looked at the current postings but didn't find an answer.This is a fresh install of ezpublish.
Apache 1.3.31 build with minimal options --prefix=/path/to/apache --enable-shared=max
PHP 4.3.7 built with minimal options -with-zlib=/usr' '--with-mysql=/usr' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache-1.3/bin/apxs' '--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/apache-1.3' '--enable-mbstring'
I tried the rh9installer on the same system and it produced acceptable results so it isn't the hardware. For reference, the system is a PIII 800 with 256 MB.
Everything seems to be working and I like the system. It is just running too slow to be usable.Any help would be much appreciated.
Friday 18 June 2004 7:26:04 am
I figured it out and things are running real smooth now. Here is the problem for the record:I used nautilis to extract the files from the ezpublish archive. Apparently this approach has some problems. The /var tree did not get written to the drive. So I used command line gunzip/tar and that fix it.
Precheck did not catch the problem. It checks to see if the var directory has the right permissions. But if the directory is missing all together, it does not flag it or complain about it. There is room for some improvement here.