Forums / Install & configuration / Silly question : add feature like forum or else

Silly question : add feature like forum or else

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Pat Pinto

Saturday 02 December 2006 10:24:37 am

After having spend 2 hours reading documentation i have no idea.
I made a corporate install. Now i want to add webshop or forum functionnality.
I thought it was package installation from the set-up but it's already installed.
So how to activate this features ?
Thanks by advance to give me the entry point.

kracker (the)

Saturday 02 December 2006 4:27:19 pm


I would repeat the setup wizard or import the packages using the admin.



<i>Eminem - Public Enemy #1</i>

<b>*As of today (2006-11-02) the deprecated 3.4 documentation has been suddenly without warning moved (again!) or removed without any notice (again!)*</b>

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