Forums / Install & configuration / several questions / problems

several questions / problems

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Jogol Fortenado

Tuesday 14 October 2003 6:07:18 pm

g´day all!

ok installation of 3.2 went without problems, database and all;;

then http://localhost/site/index.php shows up fine; when i click a link (which is e.g. http://localhost/site/index.php/news/content/view/full/47/) i get an internal server error. webserver is apache 1.3.6

then i wanted to try to display http://localhost/site/kernel/ezinfo/about.php

and get the following error:

Warning: Failed opening 'lib/version.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') in c:\programme\wamp\homepages\site\kernel\ezinfo\about.php on line 37

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'ezpublishsdk' in c:\programme\wamp\homepages\site\kernel\ezinfo\about.php on line 38

now when i look at this (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') i realise that i dont have php installed in c:\php4 but in C:\Programme\wamp\apache\php ... could this be the problem?

but then http://localhost/site/design/demo/images/arrow_left.gif displays fine again...

to put it short: the page displays but the links give me an internal server error and also the index_admin.php wont show up

i´m on my last legs, pls help me :)