Tuesday 08 June 2004 4:05:00 am
Hello, experts! I installed 3.4.0 final release and I'm running it in CGI mode on a hosted server. Everything else seems to work perfectly except the search engine, which seems to have path problems. When I hit the search button, I get "module not found" error. The URL shown in the address bar after hitting the button is:
..(without the "amp;" there) and that's apparently wrong. Now, when I hack e.g. this URL in the browser's address bar:
it finds the right module and seems to perform the search - but it does not find any content based on the search word (that I know truly exists in articles etc.). My question is, did you guys check that also the search is supported in CGI mode or is there something I've missed here? Cheers,
Mikko --------------- My PHP info is:
xml, tokenizer, standard, sockets, session, posix, pcre, overload, mysql, mhash, gettext, gd, ftp, exif, curl, ctype, zlib
Safe mode is off.
Basedir restriction is off.
Global variable registration is on.
File uploading is enabled.
Maximum size of post data (text and files) is 8M.
Script memory limit is 20M. Maximum execution time is 30 seconds.