Forums / Install & configuration / safe_mode php6 compatibility

safe_mode php6 compatibility

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Manuele Arenghi

Monday 15 March 2010 4:26:53 am


my ezpublish site(ez 4.0.3) is on shared hosting .The server handler says he must set safe_mode=ON in the php.ini file.(php5.2) for security issues.

When safe_mode=ON my site does not allow access to anyuser .

To run around this problem I set owner nobody for the ez folder and this worked.Althought th web server does not allow this on shared hosting for accessibility reason.They says that as soon as possible they will switch to php 6 which does not support safe_mode no more .So I must conform.

So, my questions are:

-is there any valid work around to get ezpublish 4.0.3 running with safe_mode=on?Can you please send a detailed how to?

-does ezpublish 4.2 guarantee compatibility with setting safe_mode=on?

Are you planning to have a new version with full compatibility with php6(or safe_mode=on)?When will it be released?

Thank you!!!!!!!

Manuele Arenghi

Monday 22 March 2010 4:19:41 am

Noone can anwer?Noone thinks at this problem?....what will we do when ours web hostings will switch to php6?

Safe_mode won't be avaliable and if it won't be possible to change owner of the EZ installation folder (because of the shared web hosting)we'll have to switch to a dedicated server which is more and more expensive .Someone told me to change cms but I can't think ezPublish should be abandon for such a small metter .

Hope someone wants to take care of this urgent issue .


Bertrand Dunogier

Monday 22 March 2010 5:35:33 am

Regarding PHP6, since the language isn't finalized, we won't work on supporting it, as things may still change.

About safe_mode, it is widely accepted that it is was a bad approach to securing a platform, and will go away with PHP6 (if i remember correctly). We don't support it, and most likely won't in the near future, sorry. You should show your hosting company the homepage for safe_mode on It very clearly says that safe_mode is deprecated in PHP 5.3, and will be removed with PHP6.

So there is in the end no problem: when your company switches to PHP6, there will be no safe mode, and you'll be fine :-)

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Manuele Arenghi

Monday 22 March 2010 7:01:07 am

Hello Bertrand,

thanks for replying,I need a further confirmation:

"safe_mode is deprecated in PHP 5.3, and will be removed with PHP6" means that :

-in php 5.3 they invite to set safe_mode=off

-in php 6 it is not allowed to set safe_mode=on so it will be as setting safe_mode=off.

This would mean I won't have any problem with my EZ web site

Thank you for clearness