Forums / Install & configuration / Removing index.php? stops flash working...

Removing index.php? stops flash working...

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Neo Pixel

Tuesday 12 January 2010 1:33:21 am


I'm running ezpublish 4.2 with the ezwebin extension.

When I forcevirtualhost and remove the index.php? with a htaccess file the flash player stops working.

It comes up with the error "no flash player available" eventhough it works fine with /index.php? in place.

Any ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated.

Asking stupid questions so you don't have to!

Pablo Pernot

Tuesday 12 January 2010 4:12:51 am

You probably need to check your RewriteRule. First look at the flash player url which is missing, then manipulate the .htaccess to make the rewrite rules work with the flash player. (sorry no time now to explain or add code).

Pablo Pernot

Mingxing Chen

Thursday 14 January 2010 5:15:27 am

It seems something wrong with /content/download/.../*.swf

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Neo Pixel

Monday 18 January 2010 12:45:08 pm

Hi Mingxing!

Ok I'll try some of their suggestions :)

Asking stupid questions so you don't have to!

Neo Pixel

Monday 18 January 2010 1:08:04 pm

Looks like they're all for version 3.9.3!

The rewriterule they suggested didn't work and editing the ezmedia.tpl looks complicated...

Any suggestions?

Asking stupid questions so you don't have to!