Forums / Install & configuration / Remove index.php from url

Remove index.php from url

Author Message

Michael Maine

Tuesday 06 October 2009 5:04:34 pm


I'm new to EZ and I am using the version 4.2. What's the easiest way to set up clean url's without the index.php showing in the address bar? Also, I am using the URL method. Thanks.

Balduin Schlosser

Tuesday 13 October 2009 11:26:22 am

I've got the same problem. After installing the newest release 4.2.0 everything is fine beside the urls.

I read several post here and some in www but found only articles concerning previous versions of ez. I added ForceVirtualHost=true to my site.ini.append.php and activated the .htaccess (copy of .htaccess_root). The URLs are looking good (no index.php) but the subpages are not working.

Does anyone have an idea?
