Forums / Install & configuration / Relations and translations messed up during upgrade from 3.6.7 -> 4.4.0

Relations and translations messed up during upgrade from 3.6.7 -> 4.4.0

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Kristoffer Brabrand

Monday 02 May 2011 12:41:09 am

I'm upgrading an old site from version 3.6.7 to 4.4.0. After a lot of try and fail on the upgrade process itself and a lot of work on cleaning up and defining missing overrides I'm stuck at what I'm hoping is the last hurdle...
It seems that there's a problem with the translation of objects and classes (as show here). It also seems like object relations has been messed up (like shown here) during the upgrade process – I suspect that something has happened to translation of objects and contenttypes sometime between 3.6.7 and the most recent versions, and that there's a script that may have failed or not been run properly in the process – even though I've been looking out for that...
My hope now is for some eZ savvy out there..
Thanks in advance – every and any response is greatly appreciated.

Marko Žmak

Monday 02 May 2011 1:17:36 am

Did you upgrade directly from 3.6.7 to 4.4?

Note that you should upgrade in several steps:

  • 3.6.7 -> 3.8.y
  • 3.8.x -> 3.9.y
  • 3.9.x -> 3.10.1
  • 3.10.1 -> 4.0.y
  • 4.0.x -> 4.1.y
  • 4.1.x -> 4.2.y
  • 4.2.x -> 4.3.y
  • 4.3.x -> 4.4.y

See the complete documentation for all the steps here:


I would also suggest to thoroughly test the upgraded version after each step.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Kristoffer Brabrand

Monday 02 May 2011 1:30:46 am

No, we didn't. We've upgraded as you desribe above.

Steven E. Bailey

Monday 02 May 2011 3:19:59 am

In the 3.8.x -> 3.9.y upgrade did you run:

php update/common/scripts/3.9/updateclasstranslations.php -s $siteaccess --language=eng-GB

This is what should have created the class translations (if I remember correctly).

In the same upgrade step, I see a:

php update/common/scripts/3.9/updatetypedrelation.php -s $siteaccess

I don't remember what that one is, but maybe it has something to do with the bad relations if you didn't run it.

PS: if this step was missed completely, then:

update/common/scripts/3.9/correctxmltext.php -s $siteaccess

Should also be run.

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Marko Žmak

Monday 02 May 2011 4:22:05 am


No, we didn't. We've upgraded as you desribe above.


In what step exactly did your relations and translations get messed up?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Kristoffer Brabrand

Monday 02 May 2011 4:35:36 am


No, we didn't. We've upgraded as you desribe above.


In what step exactly did your relations and translations get messed up?


I wish I knew. Since the version is as old as it is, I wasn't able to test it locally – even though I have both PHP 4 and 5, the 4.x.x version I had was to recent for it to run..