Forums / Install & configuration / Redirected to login

Redirected to login

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Gareth Doust

Monday 03 November 2003 1:37:01 pm


Forgive me if I sound a bit dumb, but after experiencing the Kernel 50 problems that many others have had with version 3.2-3 I duly edited the site.ini file and everything seemed to work fine. After loggin onto the administration section, I confirmed that the demo content for the "corporate" template had been installed and went to have a look at it from a visitors point of view. HOWEVER, as soon as I entered the root path for my site (http:/// I was redirected to the administrators login, thus giving the impression that there is no front-end to the site! Even when I try to use the "preview" function in the admin, I am presented with the login page. It all seems a bit weird to me!

Any help gratefully received!

Anthony Allen

Monday 24 November 2003 12:59:07 pm

I am experiencing exactly the same thing - clicking on either the user or the admin link takes me to the administrator login. Have you come up with a solution yet?