Forums / Install & configuration / Questions on upgrading to 3.3

Questions on upgrading to 3.3

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Tim Dickinson

Monday 29 December 2003 5:10:03 pm

Hi all,

Hope you all had a good Christmas :)

I am trying to upgrade my site from eZ 3.2-1 to eZ3.3

Now the eZ3.3 release does not come with any sql upgrade to get from 3.2-1 to 3.3 which is the cause of my concern.

Therefore I downloaded the 3.2-4 release (as the update from this to 3.3 is possible). But looking in the mysql updates do I have to update 3.2-1-to-3.2-2 and then 3.2-2-to-3.2-3 and then 3.2-3-to-3.2-4 (in other words 3 separate sql upgrades)?
Then of course having to do the 3.2-4-to-3.3-1 (in the 3.3 release)? This would make it 4 separate sql upgrades.
This is fine - but I need to make sure I'm doing it right as I'm a bit of a newbie.

My main problem though comes with the 'common' php scripts with the upgrades - will I need to run the upgrade scripts from the 3.2-4 release and then the scripts from the 3.3-1 release, or do the latter cover all the upgrades?

Sorry to be a pain - but I can't get these scripts to work anyway. I'm on a shared server and don't have shell access - so I was wondering how I went about running them.

PS. does the php-cgi hack work for 3.3?


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