Forums / Install & configuration / Publish one-language-only content with multilingual sites?

Publish one-language-only content with multilingual sites?

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Josh Luo

Wednesday 31 August 2005 3:21:52 am

How to publish one-language-only content with multilingual sites v3.6?

I have configued my english and dutch sites.
english user site: siteaccess/en
english admin site: siteaccess/en_admin
dutch user site: siteaccess/nl
dutch admin site: siteaccess/nl_admin

But I can't publish one-language-only content on the corresponding site. For example, I publised Dutch-only content from my dutch admin site and want it desplays only on dutch site, but it actually shown up in both english site and dutch site.

Is there any solution? or any right configuration?

Bertrand Dunogier

Wednesday 31 August 2005 12:54:42 pm

First, you won't be able to publish content in only one language except the default (main) language.

Otherwise, the content/tree function has an option to fetch only translated content:

Josh Luo

Wednesday 31 August 2005 2:51:10 pm

The contents are divided into three sections:

1. the contents with english version and dutch version;
2. English-only contents
3. Dutch-only contents

Published these contents, all of them display on both english site and dutch site.

So the question is how to publish English-only contents that show up only on english site, and Dutch-only contents that display only on dutch site?