Forums / Install & configuration / Problems with installing ez 3.3-4

Problems with installing ez 3.3-4

Author Message

Yauheni Lapanau

Monday 05 April 2004 3:05:35 pm

I can't install ez 3.3-4 on a Linux with Apache/1.3.24 , PHP 4.3.0

The following errors appeared:
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.


Error: eZCodepage
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Couldn't write cache file var/cache/codepages/36e48c5d322c489dd3ee4e51ffda1494.php, perhaps wrong permissions or leading directories not created

Error: eZDebug::writeFile
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Cannot open log file 'var/log/error.log' for writing
The web server must be allowed to modify the file.
File logging for 'var/log/error.log' is disabled.

Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Script start

Notice: eZLocale::localeFile
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Requesting eng-GB.ini

Error: eZDebug::writeFile
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Cannot open log file 'var/log/notice.log' for writing
The web server must be allowed to modify the file.
File logging for 'var/log/notice.log' is disabled.

Notice: eZLocale::localeFile
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Requesting eng-GB.ini

Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Module start 'setup'

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Undefined variable: currentStep in /home/sites/ on line 200

Error: eZDebug::writeFile
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Cannot open log file 'var/log/warning.log' for writing
The web server must be allowed to modify the file.
File logging for 'var/log/warning.log' is disabled.

Error: eZINI
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Undefined variable: 'OptionalTests' in group 'SetupSettings'

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/sites/ on line 94

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/sites/ on line 86

Error: eZTemplate
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Unknown template variable 'refresh' in namespace ''

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Undefined index: imagegd_extension in /home/sites/ on line 90

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Undefined index: imagemagick_program in /home/sites/ on line 94

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Undefined index: database_info in /home/sites/ on line 100

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Undefined index: in /home/sites/ on line 100

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Undefined index: regional_info in /home/sites/ on line 104

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Undefined index: email_info in /home/sites/ on line 108

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Undefined index: email_info in /home/sites/ on line 112

Warning: PHP
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Undefined index: site_templates in /home/sites/ on line 118

Error: eZTemplate
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Unknown template variable 'image_processor' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Unknown template variable 'image_processor' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Unknown template variable 'summary_email_info' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate
Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Unknown template variable 'summary_email_info' in namespace ''

Apr 06 2004 00:15:26


Apr 06 2004 00:15:26

Module end 'setup'

I try to rub bin/


Any ideas will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

James Packham

Wednesday 07 April 2004 1:53:17 am

>> Couldn't write cache file var/cache/codepages/36e48c5d322c489dd3ee4e51ffda1494.php, perhaps wrong permissions
>> or leading directories not created

Means you haven't given the webserver permisson to write to your var directory, cd to your ez installation dir, "chown apache.apache var/" (or whatever your webserver user is), chmod 775 var/. You might also have problems with your version of php, because ez publish requires 4.3.2 - according to the site.

