Forums / Install & configuration / Problems with images!!!

Problems with images!!!

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Ferdinando Orza

Tuesday 20 May 2003 4:03:21 am

Hi, I have installed EZ ver. 3 on Linux Suse 8.0. Everything works but I have a problem..... the images are not shown in the html. I can't see the images that I have inserted by administrator section. I think that Image Magick is not installed correctly.
Please help me !!!

Jo Henrik Endrerud

Tuesday 20 May 2003 10:05:11 am

This can be caused by two possible problems.
1. As you say, Image Magick is not installed. You should install this (it is probably packages for this on one of the Suse CD's)
2. You don't have the correct permission. Run ./bin/ when you are standing in your eZ publish directory to correct this.

You can try to enable debugging. This will probably tell you what is wrong. Open your site.ini file and find the [DebugSettings] block. Change DebugOutput to enabled. Then try to reload and check for error messages in the debug output at the bottom of the page. These error messages should give you a clear idea what is wrong

Jo Henrik Endrerud | System Developer @ Seeds Consulting |