Forums / Install & configuration / Problems with checking out source from the subversion server

Problems with checking out source from the subversion server

Author Message

Tollef Slaathaug

Wednesday 19 April 2006 10:28:40 am

Tried a few days ago and everything was fine. I have no proxy server at my end. But today it does not seem to work.

When trying to update I get the following errors:

Error: REPORT request failed on '/nextgen/!svn/vcc/default'
Error: No such string '6s5y'

When trying to check out a new source tree :

Added: c:\eZpublish\ezpublish\doc\changelogs\3.7\CHANGELOG-3.7.4-to-3.7.5
Error: REPORT request failed on '/nextgen/!svn/vcc/default'
Error: REPORT of '/nextgen/!svn/vcc/default': 200 OK (

It stops here. Directories like "lib" is still missing.

I tried: ( both with a specified latest revision and just HEAD )

Tollef Slaathaug

Wednesday 19 April 2006 11:18:42 pm

Tried this instead and it works fine.

Thomas Johannessen

Wednesday 26 April 2006 7:36:07 am

Hi Tollef.

i do have problems with my EZ look at this tread:

if u have any clue, I would like to talk to you.


---ps: did u move yet?