Forums / Install & configuration / Problem with Apache/eZpublish4.2 who crash several time

Problem with Apache/eZpublish4.2 who crash several time

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julien fonky

Wednesday 05 January 2011 1:09:36 am


I'am in charge of a website eZpublish 4.2 that periodically crash when there is little traffic.

Apache processes are increasing, the CPU increases to reach saturation, and the site become down. Must wait for the connection timeout to retrieve the website. (httpd <defunct> in the list of processes)

I reproduce the problem, I use linkExaminer who scans the URL of the site which create aVirtual high traffic and there is the drama! :p

I tried everything without really knowing what to modify:
- modified the Apache conf

- modified the MySQL conf

Now I don't know what to do to resolved this problem.

Is someone takes advises or better the correction of this problem ?

Thank you for your answers and excuse my english ! ;-)
Now in french :

J'ai repris un site en eZpublish 4.2 qui crash périodiquement quand il y a un peu de trafic.

Les processus d'Apache se multiplient, le CPU augmente jusqu'à arriver à saturation, et le site est inaccessible. Il faut attendre le timeout des connexions httpd pour retrouver le site, voir relancer les services. (Tous les processus httpd passe par l'état <defunct>)

J'arrive à bien reproduire le problèmes, j'utilise linkExaminer qui me scanne toutes les url du site créant un fort trafic virtuel et là c'est le drame ! :p

J'ai tout essayé sans savoir vraiment quoi modifier :
- modification de la conf Apache

- modification de la conf de MySQL

et là je sèche...

Quelqu'un aurait il rencontré et résolu le même problème ?

Merci pour vos réponses.

Carlos Revillo

Wednesday 05 January 2011 1:34:37 am

Apache conf and MySQL conf will help, but imho i think the problem comes from the aplication itself. linkExaminer is some kinda crawler or something like that? then probably it is doing lot of request to the app and probably the app needs to be optimized, probably adding more cache.

I would try to find problematic urls. Having the site in dev environment, i will enable debugoutput in order to see what happens with some urls. I will look specially to the mysql queries needed for generating the pages and also for the time the scripts needs to finish.

that could give you some hints on what you should need to optimize and so, linkExaminer request can be server without needing lot of server resources.

Bertrand Dunogier

Friday 07 January 2011 3:11:13 am

You could use apache's extended server-status to see what URLs might be executing for too long, and see what's wrong with them.

As said by Carlos, chances are that the site is anti-optimized. This is very common, as some people get pissed of by caching as they haven't read the doc, and will then disable caching altogether as it is much easier :-)

Enable DebugOutput, and see how many SQL Queries are executed by some example pages. Report the numbers to us, and we'll try to help you.

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Wednesday 12 January 2011 3:46:03 am

I agree with the above comments and would add that after optimizing the site. You should add a reverse proxy such as Nginx or Varnish in front of Apache, at least to serve static files.