Forums / Install & configuration / Problem updating 3.9.2 to 3.10.0: register user impossible

Problem updating 3.9.2 to 3.10.0: register user impossible

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Angelika Freihoff

Wednesday 02 July 2008 12:51:31 pm


I got a serious Problem with ezPublish 3.10 after updating a site from 3.9.2 to 3.10.0 with the bugfix for user/register.php

It is now not possible to register a new user from then normal website. From the admin interface it works fine.

If I try to register a new user it looks fine, but the user and the administrator will get an E-Mail with the registration data, the activation link and a link to the user-data but WITHOUT the object ID. Just …/full and no ID.

In the Admin-Interface the user is not visible.

In the Database Table “ezcontentobject” and “ezcontentobject_attribute” is only the dummy-entry for a new user.

In the Database Table “ezuser” are the right entries (email-address, username…) and the ID to the contentobject.

I host several ez-publish sites and I got no problems with update from 3.9.3 to 3.10. Only with this site from 3.9.2 to 3.10.

In this corrupt installation I created a new demo site and it is possible to register new users in this site. If I import ONLY the Database from the productive site, the problem is there again, no change at any settings. I switched on every possible debug, but I see no hint to any problem.

You can try:

Please help me; my customer is very angry now!

Thank you


Andrew Duck

Sunday 06 July 2008 5:07:32 pm

Hi Angelika,

There was a reported bug for user registration in 3.10.

Try the following:

Andrew Duck, Executive Director, Quiqcorp Limited
eZ Certified Developer and Trainer.
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