Friday 09 May 2008 12:03:53 am
Yes, I have updated the database details in the siteaccess/ezwebin_site/site.ini.append.php file. In fact, the details are exactly the same on both machines. Also, the two machines were installed with an identical OS from the same CDs. The only difference is that /var is on its own partition on the new machine. The weird thing is if I leave the database password out, EZ4 at least displays an HTML page with an error message on it:
Access denied
You do not have permission to access this area.
Possible reasons for this are:
* Your current user does not have the proper privileges to access this page. * You misspelled some parts of your URL, try changing it. If I add the correct password (I can log in to the database on the command line), I get a fatal error without even an HTML page:
Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below. (no output) DebugOutput is enabled in site.ini.append.php I am accessing the new machine using an IP address at the moment, could this cause any problems?