Forums / Install & configuration / problem after upgrade

problem after upgrade

Author Message

Tomasz Klaudel

Tuesday 04 April 2006 4:09:27 am

Few weeks ago we upgraded our ez publish site.
From 3.6.5 to 3.7.3
Everything works well besides index/default page
We have in site.ini:
IndexPage "/content/view/full/767"
DefaultPage "/content/view/full/767"
and as index page should be visible.
Before upgrade everything was ok...
Should we do something more?

Tomasz Klaudel

Tuesday 04 April 2006 7:56:15 am

I also tried to fire up:

[admin@s16 public_html]$ php update/common/scripts/updaterelatedobjectslinks.php -s siteaccess
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.1
Content-type: text/html

Please run this script from the root document directory!

I've run this from document root...