Friday 26 September 2003 7:58:27 am
the postgreSQL kernel schema is flawed, as everybody running postgreSQL will notice. the table "ezcontentobject_version" is missing the field "workflow_event_pos". i inserted the line below and things worked for me. workflow_event_pos integer DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, but i wonder if there are any more surprises. anybody has had success with ez32 and postgreSQL? i wonder if there are some sites running already...
----------------------------- i am getting an error when attempting to create a folder in the content section - which is empty after install:
Error: error executing query: SELECT id, contentobject_id, creator_id, version, status, created, modified,
FROM ezcontentobject_version
WHERE version='1' AND contentobject_id='46' ORDER BY version ASC ERROR: Attribute 'workflow_event_pos' not found