Forums / Install & configuration / PHP not interpreted after Virtual Host enabled SOLVED

PHP not interpreted after Virtual Host enabled SOLVED

Author Message

Leigh Gable

Wednesday 11 November 2009 2:46:58 pm

Hello All,

I've just finished installing eZ Publish 4.2 with eZ Flow on a LAMP server. When I set up the Virtual Host mode, a strange thing happened. My domain name pointed to the index.php file, but the file wasn't interpreted. It was as if PHP had been disabled.

Does anyone know what this might be? I used the standard mod rewrite rules in the documentation, substituting my domain, document root, etc. in my sites-available config. I activated mod rewrites with a2enmod, and the sites-enabled contains the symlink...

I am new to configuring apache2 and I wonder if it might be related to a separate problem, in which I get an error upon starting the server, "mixing * and non * hosts is not supported".

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

All the best,

EDIT: I'm not sure how or why, but when I cleared up the virtual host config problems--it was a conflict between my sites-available conf and the ports.conf, my php problems seem to have gone away as well. EDIT#2: It was uncommenting .php in the mods-available/php5.conf file in apache2 folder that fixed it.