Forums / Install & configuration / Permissions needed to install packages

Permissions needed to install packages

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Fabio Carissimi

Wednesday 30 May 2007 8:04:27 am


I can't install packages on my ezp server.
When I try to import the package, I have the folowing message :

Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

After that, the package is in the local package list, but when I try to install it, I have the same error :
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request ...

It seems that it is a Unix permission problem, because when I try on my test server there is no problem.
But in this server, I can't simply give all rights to 'apache' user because I have many users, each one with rights
to manage one web site.

can somebody tell me what package installation via admin interface do ?
Does it put something in the database?
Does it write something in the file system (like var/storage/packages or var/my_site/storage/packages) ?
Where 'apache' user need rights to write and read ?

Thanks for help

André R.

Wednesday 30 May 2007 9:52:43 am

ez publish need permission on these folders:

But what error is left in var/log/error.ini ?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Fabio Carissimi

Thursday 31 May 2007 2:08:21 am

There is nothing about that in var/log/error.log.

It seems that apache already has permissions on these folders,
but can you be more precise ?

what kind of permissions? read (r), write (w), execute (x) ?
ezpublish works but the problem is for package installation.
I think that ezpublish needs to read in these folders to work.
But, to install packages, it needs to write somewhere.
So, to try to solve my problem,
can somebody tell what package installation do? where it writes?
where it needs some particular permissions ?


Fabio Carissimi

Friday 29 June 2007 7:11:16 am

nobody can answer my questions?
ezCrew ???

Thanks ...

André R.

Saturday 30 June 2007 4:03:35 am

The directories mentioned above are the ones it need write access to.
And it needs to be able to read the whole installation of course.

Please turn on DebugOutput in site.ini to get a more detailed explanation of the problem.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE