Forums / Install & configuration / Permissions default user, import users, "latest" empty, frontpage error,...

Permissions default user, import users, "latest" empty, frontpage error,...

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Mark De Quidt

Thursday 17 February 2005 12:21:00 pm

I'm installing eZ publish for the first time, using standard provided template "corporate".

The site is to be used for an intranet, so no public access is allowed. I deleted the "anonymous" user, but I cannot find the way to set the right permissions for a "normal" user, i.e. one of the colleagues: how to give permission to comment, to make a pdf, and to edit his part of the site?

If someone could point me to the right place somewhere in the doc, I will read it myself ;)

And also, I'm looking for the understandable explanation of importing the user list of my colleagues.

Smaller probs:
- the front page is not "clean" (= only asking for a login), but displays the latest (in the column right) although empty, and an error message
- the "latest" list is empty, until I make some mods in admin mode, afterwards it appears with the latest information
- how can I change the date of an article (reflecting the date of the information, not the date of the publishing)?

Kristian Hole

Friday 18 February 2005 7:36:48 am

Do _not_ delete the anonyous user. This user is needed for "basic" permissions. (I suggest you reinstall to get the correct permissions)

If you want to make a intranet where users must log in to see the content, add the following to your site.ini.append.php for your siteaccess (eg settings/siteaccess/corporate/site.ini.append.php)

# Set the true if you don't want anonymous access to your site


Mark De Quidt

Thursday 24 February 2005 2:13:17 pm

1. Can I recreate the anonymous user?
How to reinstall without loss of settings and data (documents) already imported?

2. Can you (or somebody) point me to information about the other questions, or do I need to start a new threat in this forum?
- registration by importing users
- "latest" is empty
- ...

Thx in advance, MarQ.