Forums / Install & configuration / Packages won't install?

Packages won't install?

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Armageddon Design

Tuesday 02 August 2005 5:10:22 pm

I've installed EzPublish 3.6 fresh with a plain interface and no packages/modules. When I go into the Admin / Setup / Packages area and have tried to install various packages (Contact Us, Weblog, News, etc.) for extended functionality, but am having problems.

When I go through the install, everything seems to install correctly. When I hit the "Finish" button to complete the install, it takes me back to the initial install page for that package, like it was never installed. No errors. Nothing.

Now, when I go back to the content section, a new folder/object has been created and inserted into the tree, but content of all new objects is non-existent. Empty.

Also, when I go back to the Packages area, the packages I've installed still say "Not Installed".

Needless to say, I'm totally confused. Can anyone tell me what's happening here?

Thanks in advance.

Armageddon Design

Wednesday 03 August 2005 2:04:24 pm

Nevermind. Apparently they are installing. Sill confusing, though.