Forums / Install & configuration / Override or Append: Explain the difference

Override or Append: Explain the difference

Author Message

RW Wood

Thursday 04 September 2003 7:54:22 am

I understand the reasoning behind not modifying the base .ini files, but I'm having a problem getting a handle on when and where the different files should be used. For example, in the demo distribution, there are two files in siteaccess/demo, override.ini.append and site.ini.append. Then there is reference in the docs to and override folder beneath the siteaccess folder, that I assume one has to create.

I'd appreciate anyone who could either point me to a document that explains the difference in these files and folders, or give me a basic explanation of how the two are used. Also, how the override templates found under design\demo\override for example are needed/used if each design folder is a separate design.


Hans Melis

Thursday 04 September 2003 8:35:49 am

This page might be of some help:

The override.ini (+ .append files) are used to configure which templates override which ones. The overriding templates are in override/templates under a design.

The site.ini (+ .append files) are used to configure site settings.

- .append files append settings to a configuration file in /settings.
- the "override" folder in /settings is used to store the site-wide .append files, and is not related to the template override system.
